Friday, November 25, 2011

Fake Reality

The "reality" portion of reality television should be excluded.  In reality people don't and shouldn't act the way they do on reality television.  In class we watched a video of how editing reality shows works to an extent.  People working in the production and editing of this form of entertainment can take snippets of captured moments and portray people and situations however they want to.  In Chuck Klosterman's article, What Happens When People Stop Being Polite he states, "The show [The Real World] succeeds because it edits all personalities into archetypes."  This is true in most cases of "reality" television.  In reality people also don't have near as many conflicts as reality television.  In Chuck's article says this of reality TV stars, "People started becoming personality templates devoid of complication and obsessed with melodrama."  Although all this can be said, I agree with Klosterman in the statements I discussed previously but also when he discusses that there is a "Real World culture", or a reality television culture if one will call it that.  These shows truly affect people.  My own peers have melodramas that mirror the hot messes we call reality stars.  Its a bit sickening when people start idolizing Snookie from the reality show Jersey Shore.  We expect each other to live like we are on a reality show.  If a person doesn't have constant conflict they must be dull. This is not reality.  I wonder what Chuck Klosterman would say about Jersey Shore.

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