Sunday, December 11, 2011

Judging the Internet

Klosterman discussed that its okay to hate the media as long as its for the right reasons and as long as you know what you're hating in his article All I Know Is What I Read in the Papers.  These same ideals should and do apply to the Internet.  People are constantly disapproving of the Internet.   Mostly for censorship reasons but also for legitimacy reasons.  How many people actually know the source of the websites they get their information from?  Are they familiar with the names of actual people who created a site or put information on it?  Sometimes it is literally impossible to find this information.  People can't hate the Internet and the information it leads to unless they are able to have a conscious argument against it.  To have adequate reasoning they must have adequate information.  Most of what we see on the Internet is random bits and pieces that happen to be there by chance.  This is the same concept Klosterman discusses when he is referring to news appearing in the media.  The same rules should apply. 

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't agree that the things on the internet are there "by chance." Each thing on the internet must be created and then posted by a human user. So, there is thought and action behind each thing that you read.
